¡Tequila Uno, Numero Uno!
As you know, I talk a lot about blancos. It's because a good tequila begins with a great blanco. The longer one drinks tequila the more one appreciates the fresh, un-aged first-pressing of the baked blue agave. I like repos and añejos as much as the next guy, but I am driven by a desire to find the sweetest, boldest, freshest, silky-smoothest, most perfect blanco of all. I find a lot of high-end tequila veterans like myself are also blanco lovers. A smooth añejo is perhaps easier on the novice tongue.
Another reason I love a killer blanco is that blancos are versatile; you can mix 'em, drink 'em cold with rocks, or sip 'em neat. I'm also a cheap bastard, so the price of blancos appeals to me. I have a price-sensitivity of about $50, and you can typically find a really good blanco, and even some decent reposados for at or below that point.
Having tried many a good blanco, I believe I have found the the ONE; T1, that is! It is certainly the best I have had to-date. My recent taste-test proved it. We're talkin' T1 (Tequila Uno) Blanco Ultra Fino, hand-crafted by master-distiller Germán Gonzales, whose clain-to-fame is creating the lovely Chinaco line-up in the '90s. The juice is absolutely fantastic! To my pallette, this is tequila perfection, which means it has a BIG BIG agave bang!
Two tequila-loving friends and I (one who worked for years in a NYC tequila bar), compared some top-end blancos, and the T1 was the hands-down winner. It not only had the sweetest taste, but also something special, intangible. T1 has spirit in the true sense.
The competition was between these blancos:
T1, Espolón, El Tesoro, Casa Noble, and Milagro (which I considered a stand-in for Patrón silver. To me, Milagro is Patrón at the right price!). Without going in to detailed tasting notes and descriptions, let's suffice it to say that the T1 even beat my beloved Espolón. The Esppolón is great, but was a little hotter and more peppery. The T1 was sweet, complex, with a great agave punch and a slky finish. It has an easy entry and a very full-bodied taste, encompassing citrus, vanilla, earth, nuts, smoke and pepper! All three of us agreed the T1 was the clear winner. It received smiles all-around!
Ultra Fino, indeed!
Here's How They Ranked:
1) Tequila Uno Ultra Fino: Big, perfectly balanced, smooth and sweet, Rating: 5-Pencas!
2) Espolón: Full-bodied, flavorful, a bit more heat/bite
3) El Tesoro: Mild and smooth -- not as big as expected but nice
4) Casa Noble: Earthy, big agave taste, ashy finish
5) Milagro: Most alcohol, not super flavorful but a great mixer